Brantley Boy is turned 4.. In this past year you...
*Size 4T Clothes & a lot of 3T pants because your waist is so small.
*You started headstart and you love it-Ms. Karen & Ms. Alice are the best. You're also doing online speech with Ms Fenn through the school district.
*Your speech has improved a lot this year- still not where it needs to be, however you try really hard. We still have a really hard time understanding a lot- when we ask you to say it again to many times you will get sad/mad and refuse to say it again. Adilee without fail can always understand you.
*You hate to share with Chloe but will share anything with Adilee. You always push Chloe out of your room and shut the door so she can't go inside.
*You sleep in your own bed- and your fully potty trained. You poop so MUCH and take like 10 minutes every time.
*You still throw the biggest fits- it's kind of ridiculous sometimes. For a long time you wouldn't let me get you dressed in the morning. You either wanted dad or Adi and I would get so frustrated. You've come a long ways since last year but you still have your moments. You have to do things your way.
*When you want something or have something in your mind- its really really hard to talk you out of it.
*You learned how to ride a bike- you had training wheels on it for 1 day. You are sooo good at it. You almost need a bigger bike already. You do awesome compared to most kids your age!
*You can operate your mini four wheeler better than Adi ever could at your age. You drive it like a big kid!
*Got your first set of stitches- jumping on a tote full of blankets and then smacking the TV stand in Kenzies bedroom- ended up with 3 done by Bo Clark. Horrifying experience which i think traumatized you. It took mom, dad, and the nurse to hold you down while they injected the lidocaine. Then when he was doing the stitches you still freaked out.
*Got your second set of stitches- 3 stitches this time: You fell on your bike riding down a dirt hill at the farm. Dr. Teeples saw you. This time was a lot better and less traumatic. Dad called mom and said get the truck and get to the back of the house, Brantley's bleeding out. Scared the crap out of me and I rushed down to get them. Luckily when I got there the bleeding had slowed and you were doing okay, we took you home. Cleaned up a little and applied some leftover lidocaine, which I think helped a LOT. You were falling asleep on the table while mom was getting things ready. This time at the hospital you were a lot more calm and handled things a lot better!
*Rode a sheep twice this year- once at Ogden Pioneer Days and the other in Malad. You didn't make it very long- The first sheep you really didn't want to ride it but Dad sent you out the gate anyways screaming. You weren't even holding on and you rode a little ways, if you would have held on you might of had a chance. You were supposed to be 5 and you were barely 3 though so we were proud of you! The second time you rode in Malad you were still a little scared but you didn't say a whole lot. Your face hit the dirt and you weren't to thrilled.
*You are still one of the most coordinate/klutzy boys out there. I'm not sure how you can manage to ride a bike so good, but trip over you own foot.
*You are finally learning to put your hands out and not hit your face- When you roll down a hill, most kids lift their head up so your face doesn't hit the ground- but not you buddy-your face hits every roll.
*You stubbed your toe a couple times this summer and then all of a sudden the toe wouldn't heal and you'd open it over and over again. Finally about the end of August it started to get infected. It pussed up all around the nail and was so nasty. A couple months later the nail eventually died- mom pulled it off in your sleep.
*When your bleeding- you FREAK. You don't tolerate pain well. You can't even handle anyone touching your injuries, which makes it very difficult to clean or take care of them. However, you finally like bandaids and allow us to use them! Almost to much.
*Your might be stubborn but man you are so sweet. You really do have a sensitive side. You love to snuggle and be held. You defentity have a sensory to touch. You had a test done once that said you respond very well to touch. So a lot of times in order to come you down we have to alert you like "Brantley does that make you sad, or hurt or is that making you feel bad?" and he will say yes. So once we acknowledge your feelings first you will calm down. Other times I'll have to hold you, or touch you, and that will help also.
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