Sunday, April 23, 2017

The sun is coming out!

The sun is coming out!! It makes me so happy because that means we get to spend more time OUTSIDE! We love being outside! Lately we've spent a lot of time watching little baby cows run, running in the grass, and playing on the swings! I love it! I love that I have a little girl and a husband to make life fun! My mom was able to spend a couple days with us and then so was Tyler Kiana and Elle. It was so fun to have another little girl Adilee's age to play with! 

How cute is this!?! 

 This little punk flipped me off.. he said he did it for .2 seconds, but of course the only two pictures I got had him flipping me off. I didn't even notice when I was taking the photos!
 Nothing like bringing kids to the "Petting Zoo"
They get to see the cows, feed the horses and all that jazz!

 We told them to give each other loves and this is what we got!

 This was all DADS fault.. he said she could and so they both played in the puddles!

 After playing in the mudd she cleans up pretty nice I'd say!

 Nothing like having snot all over and no tissue.. I'm kind of used to it now. 

I set the self timer to take some photos, and didn't realize it was going.. Koop played along :) Love you :)

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