Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Brantley 10 Months

Brantley has been out officially longer than he has been in now! 
10 months has probably been his hardest month but that's okay we still love you!

***A little bit about Brantley Boy***
-He is 21lbs
-Wears 12 Month clothing
-Takes 2 naps usually about 2 hours each.
-Has 2 teeth (which were super super rough for him, and he was NOT happy)
-While teething he got a cold AND a double ear infection. (Babies are too hard! and Brantley tugs at his ears a lot in general, but he was a little more than normal, and he wasn’t eating or drinking, which is not normal! So finally I scheduled an appointment only to cancel it thinking he was better. The next day I tried again and took him in, the results were both ears!) However, I’m so glad I took him in. Now that he has been on medicine he is SOO much happier already. 
-Learned how to crawl! Skipped army crawling and went straight to crawling. 
-Wearing size 4 diapers and fills his pants consistently every SINGLE day at least twice.
-Starting to love regular food more and more, and doesn’t choke as easy. 
-LOVES balls!
-Always pulls Adilee and Sampsons hair.
-Has learned where Sampsons water and food bowl is.
-Will not stay still, especially when changing his diaper or clothes. 
-HATES HATES HATES when you wipe his nose.  
-Used to sleep through the night but now cries about 4-5 wanting more food. Hopefully now that his ear infection is on the mend he will start sleeping again. 
-You are starting to scream when you don't get what you want. 

This is a little like what the past 2 weeks of your last month was like.. Cries, Cries, a couple smiles, and more Cries.. 

^You are finally starting to stand up and use your legs!

9 Months Can be founds HERE....
8 Months can be found HERE...
7 Months can be found HERE...
6 Months can be found HERE...
5 Months can be found HERE...
4 Months can be found HERE...
3 Months can be found HERE...
2 Months can be found HERE...
1 Month can be found HERE... 

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