Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Brantley 11 months

Big Brantley Boy! You are almost one and I can't even believe it! This past 11 months is going so fast! We love you!
**A little about you this month**
-You are wearing 4m diapers.
-You are in 12-18M clothing.
-You weigh 23 pounds.
-You have 2 bottom teeth.
-Takes 2 naps, and sleeps usually 9-8. 
-Stands up really good now! 
-Will walk with your walker.
-Only says Momma, and Dad tries so hard...
-You love to eat still (probably more than your sister.)
-You are OBSESSED with balls. And your dad taught you to play catch, so you throw everything ALL DAY LONG!
-Along with balls, you climb on all the bikes, trucks, tractors and everything you can push outside!
-HATES being on your back. It's the biggest fight every time to change your diaper, or your clothes.
-You throw the biggest tantrums. When we come inside, or you don't get your way you throw your head back, or will immediately start crying.
-You would stay outside all day if I would let you. 
-Your probably need a haircut but I don't want to cut it!

 You were looking at Adi. You two are so cute together! 

10 Months can be found HERE.....
9 Months Can be founds HERE....
8 Months can be found HERE...
7 Months can be found HERE...
6 Months can be found HERE...
5 Months can be found HERE...
4 Months can be found HERE...
3 Months can be found HERE...
2 Months can be found HERE...
1 Month can be found HERE... 

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